I love this cape because they are easy to assemble.It can be frequently used in our daily life.
For instance,you can match it with t-shirt and shorts.It would be perfect too if you pair this black cape with a black dress,no matter how long the dress,both short dress and long dress are alright.It would really fits nicely.
It also can be simply used as a scarf at much colder weather to keep your neck and chest warm.Most of the fashion young girls have no problem wearing a mini skirt in the winter,but most of them will choose a scarf to warm their neck.
In addition it is a perfect complement to the holiday, but just because they are simple doesn't mean they can't be amazing.You know,if you wear this moon cloak with a gown in the goth party,without any doubt,you will stands out from the crowd.Obviously, this black cape is an excellent way to add a bit of personality to your costume in the theme party this year.

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October 24, 2018 — Punk Design
Tags: gothic cape

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